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De-dollarization kicks into high gear

The US dollar is essential to US global power projection. But in 2022, the dollar share of reserve currencies slid 10 times faster than the average in the past two decades. By Pepe Escobar

How Azerbaijan’s stability became vital for China

When the Ukraine war interrupted Beijing's land route to Europe, Azerbaijan and its neighborhood became a vital alternative pathway, but adversaries may seek to disrupt that. By Robert Inlakesh

The historic US-Saudi relationship cannot bounce back

US imports of Saudi oil are at historic lows, Chinese purchases of Saudi oil continue to grow, and Russian-Saudi energy interests have fully converged. By Mohamad Hasan Sweidan

Deporting Syrians: A ploy to propel Lebanon’s US-backed army chief into power?

Did Lebanon's US-backed army commander exploit the Syrian refugee crisis and incite clashes with them to catapult himself into the highly-contested Lebanese presidency? By Radwan Mortada

The sanctions boomerang: Why trade bans backfire

Trade wars have been common throughout history, but they often have unintended consequences that undermine their intended goals. From Napoleon to the US and EU – none got it right. By Karin Kneissl


US navy plunders shipment of Iranian oil at sea

Five Arab states plus Iran among 19 nations ready to join BRICS

Palestine hits back at EU for ‘racist’ remarks

UAE, China to build manufacturing plant

Iran offers energy assistance to Lebanon

Norway bans goods, services from Israel

No normalization for Syria without ‘permanent political change’: Washington

Unknown militants attack checkpoint near US base in Syria

Russian flyovers of US occupation bases in Syria risk escalation: US general

Iran calls for ‘maritime security belt’ at SCO meeting

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